CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for FOX's House

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Why I can’t watch House anymore

I’ve been trying to figure out why it is I can’t watch House anymore. When the series first premiered in 2004, we loved it in this household. LOVED it! We’d tune in every week to watch Hugh Laurie’s Dr. House pop Vicodin like candy and see what new insults he’d hurl at his patients and […]

by Jane Boursaw

Someone died on House! News at Eleven

Oh my goodness! I knew from a variety of sources that something shocking was going to happen on House. I knew that a cast member would be leaving. However, I didn’t know that it would happen tonight. For some reason, I thought last week’s preview was more for the rest of the season in general […]

by Jen Creer

Who died on House tonight?

Let me begin this post by saying there will be no spoilers before the jump … but wow! I don’t mean wow just for the reveal of who died on House tonight, but because of the way it was handled. Every character’s reaction was so true to who they have shown themselves to be thus […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Ratings Clack – NBC has something to cheer about…

… finally. Much of last week could be described as more of the same for the folks over at NBC. But this particular Thursday was different. Not only because of ER taking over the entire night. It also brought a clear win for the night to the network, calling to mind the Must See TV […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks: Condoms, cocaine, douchiness and queefs

My favorite thing about doing Quotation Marks every week is that they seem to fall into a theme. This week’s theme? Well, it’s just dirty. How dirty? Greg House is probably the cleanest of the bunch. These are the Clackers’ favorite quotes from this week in television. As always, feel free to leave your own […]

by Kona Gallagher

House’s characters – a different point of view

“Meet my diagnostic posse… Hot, Dark and Darker.” – House We have become accustomed to knowing the characters on House through the viewer’s eyes. And why not? It’s what TV does. “Locked In,” though, provided us a couple of new opportunities for getting to know House and his hospital colleagues, while inserting humor in a […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Why is House so afraid of God?

“You better not be praying in there!” House admonishes Lee (Mos Def), looming into the locked in patient’s face. In the scenes in which Lee and House are on the beach in Lee’s “happy place,” Lee admits that he doesn’t really know how to define his faith. However, by the end of the episode, he […]

by Jen Creer
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