CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for CBS's Survivor

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Fall 2009 pre-season predictions: Thursday

Good grief … Thursdays are going to be tough on viewers. I don’t know about your schedule, but it looks like I’m going to have to find time to watch 7½ hours of television Thursday night. At least, initially. As for the ratings game, there are a number of interesting new additions to the night. […]

by Brett Love

Presenting CliqueClack’s guide to the 2009-10 fall season

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by Richard Keller

Reality Clack – American Idol, Survivor, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With the Stars

Well, there were probably a lot of non-fans of the reality television genre breathing huge sighs of relief this past week as yet another season of American Idol wrapped up. Survivor Tocantins also ended last Sunday night, but on a very different note. Both shows went out in gala style. However, one was a shocker […]

by Jackie Schnoop

Ratings Clack – 2008-2009 goes out with a bang

Just like that, the 2008-2009 season is done. We are now firmly in the grips of the summer television season. That means there will be a months long wait (10 if you’re a Chuck fan!) for new episodes. On the bright side, you’ll have plenty of time to watch the Women’s College World Series (Danielle […]

by Brett Love

Survivor – How did they pull this one off?

It is a valid question. How did three outnumbered tribesmen manage to eliminate a rival tribe of six players to be the last team standing … and Erinn? The trick was keeping an eye on the big picture. While Timbira got distracted by their own internal power struggles and feuds, the Jalapao three were able […]

by Jason Hughes

How a douche named Coach saved Survivor – Open Letters

Dear Survivor producers: Thank you, thank you, thank you for casting Coach on the latest installment of your never-ending reality series. If it wasn’t for his melodramatic, self-involved, pain-in-the-ass antics, this season would have been incredibly dull. All the eye candy (Carolina, Sydney) and big breasts (Candace) got booted early, along with the annoying old […]

by Scott Tunstall

Survivor – J.T. is just kind of wrapping this thing up

He’s likable, he’s smarter than everyone seems to think and he’s a tough competitor in these challenges. And yet, everyone is basically letting him run the show. Yes, I’m giving away right here that J.T. didn’t get voted off Survivor tonight, so if you don’t like it you can suck it! I once wrestled a […]

by Jason Hughes
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