CliqueClack TV
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Castle, the morguemobile and sidekicks

“Beckett, how come you don’t wear a uniform like that?” – one of the cops she works with (I know, I’m going to have to learn their names eventually) “Because I don’t want to get paid in singles.” – Beckett I wrote in my preview post that Castle‘s season two premiere was not only great, […]

by Debbie McDuffee

DVR Emergency: the 2009 season begins in earnest

All right, everyone! I hope you’ve cleared your DVRs and TiVos of all those Housewives of Atlanta episodes, the selective Daily Show programs from three months ago, and all the Eurekas you recorded during the Viewer Picks marathon of a few weeks ago. According to my sundial, the Fall 2009-2010 season begins in earnest tonight. […]

by Richard Keller

Castle’s season two premiere brings the fun … and the poker games

I have seen the future of Castle … and it is good. Well, the season two premiere is anyway, and the little promises they’ve given us, if they should be fulfilled, will make for a well-developed season, building nicely upon the groundwork laid in season one. Lots of our favorite elements are back — quotable […]

by Debbie McDuffee

I don’t want to believe that Defying Gravity is canceled (But, then again, I’m not very smart)

Multiple media outlets, starting with, as far as I can tell,, have reported that Defying Gravity has been canceled. The show, as Brett has continued to make fun of me for report, has not done well in the ratings, quickly losing the 3.88 million or so viewers it had on its premiere. In light […]

by Ivey West

I love swimming in ABC’s Shark Tank

My head is so full of what I like to consider “great ideas.” I jot these ideas down and keep an “ideas”-tagged notebook in Evernote that’s overflowing. It’s gotten to the point that, with so many ideas and so little time (and money) to put them into play, I get stressed just looking at that […]

by Keith McDuffee

Presenting CliqueClack’s guide to the 2009-10 fall season

To subscribe to the below schedule in iCal, copy this link and paste into the ‘Subscribe…’ menu item in iCal. You can also just click it to open iCal or even click to add to your iPhone calendar. The same link will work in a Google Calendar as well! Or see the calendar as a […]

by Richard Keller

Is Cougar Town as bad as they are saying?

Really people, have none of you learned that you cannot judge a show based on the pilot? You might think I was the TV writer, for crying out loud … wait … there’s something weird about that sentence. Anyway, the title has been repeatedly bashed for its demeaning nature and tasteless sexism, and its been […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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