CliqueClack TV
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Ten things I hate about the Oscars

I used to love the Academy Awards. No, I really did. I went to film school many moons ago and had aspirations of one day standing on that glorious stage and raising a naked golden man above my head. Alas, it was not to be. Instead, I get to sit back and poke fun at […]

by Scott Tunstall

Life on Mars – Who’s the man with the white rabbit head cane?

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve never seen the British version of Life on Mars. I also haven’t yet started watching the original The Prisoner series (though I plan to very soon). However, as soon as I saw the guy pictured above, I thought this was a character pulled right from one of those shows. You […]

by Keith McDuffee

Brothers and Sisters – New brothers, old fathers, plotlines tread thin ice

Brothers and Sisters feels like it’s treading water, waiting to figure out which direction it wants to go. The land deal that Tommy is orchestrating is going to blow up in his face like a land mine. Rebecca’s father has come back at the same time that Ryan is giving Nora mixed signals about his […]

by Jen Creer

Lost – My fantasy team is screwed

For those of you who are not regular visitors to Dark UFO, you may not know that they are hosting a Lost Fantasy League. It is a non-violent league, and as such, you lose points when your characters participate in any violence. This includes getting injured, injuring other people, and, of course, dying. Last season […]

by Bob Degon

Which of the Desperate Housewives do you identify with?

This week’s episode of Desperate Housewives was all about the money — the damage it can cause to friendships and the crazy things it makes desperate people do. I’m sure money is on a lot of our minds lately, and I identify with the housewives in various ways: Susan showed her goofiness by first trying […]

by Jane Boursaw

Will Derek and Meredith get their McHappy ending?

Just when I was thinking Derek and Meredith would get their happy ending, Addison calls and messes things up! Yeah, I know she had a good reason, but Derek had the flowers and candles and everything all set (thanks to Sloan, which was funny in itself)! But I believe Shonda Rhimes will hold true to […]

by Jane Boursaw

Charlotte needs to get a clue, Violet and Cooper are great together

You know how you hear about these alternative families? The ones who don’t fit the mold of mom and dad and 2.5 children, but who do just fine and are quite happy? I think Violet and Cooper would make a great family like that. Neither seems to be able to sustain a romantic relationship for […]

by Jane Boursaw
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