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Desperate Housewives – There’s Always a Woman

(Season 5, Episode 6) Ack! Lily Tomlin, Frances Conroy, AND Gail O’Grady all in the same episode! I’m psyched that Desperate Housewives might be on an upswing. They’re certainly pulling out all the big guns! Lily Tomlin as Mrs. McCluskey’s sister, Roberta, is perfect casting. Those two are such like-minded droll souls, and I’m excited to […]

by Jane Boursaw

Is Windy of Life on Mars a hallucination?

What I like most about doing episode reviews of shows I love is getting insightful comments from readers. Sometimes comments go no further than, “you suck!” but it’s worth wading through those to get to the ones that get you thinking. Commenter ‘Nattyff’ brought up something about Life on Mars that was a slap-to-the-forehead moment […]

by Keith McDuffee

Grey’s Anatomy – Life During Wartime

(Season 5, Episode 6) “I am so, so gay.” – Erica to Callie, after having girl-on-girl sex and weeping with joy over the experience Erica wept with joy over lesbian sex, and I wept with joy over this episode. I felt a little tinge of what Grey’s Anatomy used to be — funny, smart, shocking, […]

by Jane Boursaw

Life on Mars – Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadows

(Season 1, Episode 4) I am so glad that this series continues to push out excellent episodes, as it would be so easy by now to tumble down a hill of suckitude and cause me to hate having to review it every week. I’m glad I haven’t seen the original version of this show yet. […]

by Keith McDuffee

Pushing Daisies – Dim Sum Lose Some

(Season 2, Episode 5) Poor Emerson Cod. This week’s mystery brought real tragedy to the world of our favorite gruff P.I. The master chef behind his favorite dish at the Chinese restaurant downstairs from his office has passed away. Understandably, Emerson was distraught, but still trying to snatch tidbits to eat while interviewing interested parties. […]

by Jason Hughes

Private Practice – Past Tense

(Season 2, Episode 4) One thing I love about Private Practice is the characters. They’re each so different from each other, and they continue to grow from week to week. Like, for instance, Cooper’s wild past on the Internet dating scene comes back to haunt him when the woman with the non-talking kid remembers seeing a […]

by Jane Boursaw

Dirty Sexy Money – The Silence – Live-Blog

(Season 2, Episode 4) What’s going to happen tonight? Poor Karen is getting screwed every which way by Simon Elder, and Patrick Darling wants to be screwing Carmelita again. Nick met his mom and little Brian stowed away with his dad. Repercussions? I’m betting a big ol’ yes on that front. Let’s find out together […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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