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don draper


Bonding, breastfeeding and mind blowing – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

Between Abed as Don Draper on ‘Community,’ possible samurai swords on ‘Modern Family,’ and Zach Galfianakis hanging out with Lupo and Bernard on ‘Law & Order,’ it was a funny week in television.

by Kona Gallagher

Community – Non-erotic naked pool

Joel McHale gets naked. What? you need more? Abed does an amazing Don Draper impression, and Joel McHale gets naked. ‘Community’ is coming back from hiatus with a bang.

by Kona Gallagher

Mad Men – Just as I suspected, Don isn’t a member of PFLAG

While Don will surely keep Sal’s secret, his help certainly ends at the point where Sal’s homosexuality starts affecting the work. That’s what I wrote about the season premiere, in which Don and Sal had their awkward adventure in Baltimore. Don knows all about wanting to keep certain aspects of your life private from those […]

by Kona Gallagher

Mad Men – Having a baby in the sixties was terrifying

This isn’t a parenting site, so I’ll spare you my birth story. The point is, it did not involve me a) screaming for my husband, b) being forcibly restrained, or c) waking up with a baby in my arms to whom I have no recollection of actually giving birth. WTF. How terrifying was that scene? […]

by Kona Gallagher

Mad Men – The all singing, all dancing episode

This week’s episode of Mad Men was quite … enlightening. We saw a different side to many of the characters. In addition to seeing Peggy Olson get high, we learned that Don used to pee in the trunks of rich peoples’ cars. What amused me the most though, was how musically inclined the folks at […]

by Kona Gallagher

Is Don Draper a homophobe?

Probably, yes. He is a hyper-masculine male in the early 1960s; a time in which gay people were un-ironically called “fairies.” When Don caught Sal with his pants down, and a young, half-dressed bellhop in close proximity, he was clearly taken aback — and truthfully, was probably at least a little repulsed. However, what’s so […]

by Kona Gallagher

Things That Didn’t Suck This Week – Jon Hamm, baby

Mad Men, you guys. MAD MEN. Does it make my life sound completely pathetic if I say that tonight’s return is what I have been living for? I mean, yes, my child has still been clothed and fed, but come on … Don effin’ Draper is coming back! Tonight! What’s so great about this isn’t […]

by Kona Gallagher
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