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Donald Trump


Is Donald Trump trying to kill me by airing three hours and two tasks of The Celebrity Apprentice?

Are you joking? A three hour edition of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’? There was so much packed in, I don’t even know where to start. Oh who am I kidding … yes. I know exactly where to begin.

by Tara Shrodes

Will the women get less catty and forge ahead on The Celebrity Apprentice?

The boardroom was smoking hot on this week’s edition of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice.’ And I for one understand the firing of … hey! You didn’t think I was gonna come right out and tell you, did ya? Read the review already!

by Tara Shrodes

The Celebrity Apprentice gets ugly and cruel

Man. It’s getting fairly dog eat dog on ‘The Celebrity Apprentice.’ Some of “the meek” step up and some of the brave get questioned, and solidarity rears its head yet again.

by Tara Shrodes

The Celebrity Apprentice – Does solidarity come with a price?

Trump pulls a nasty twist on this week’s episode of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’. Does that make you love him more? Or pump up your loathe factor?

by Tara Shrodes

Getting mid-evil on The Celebrity Apprentice

Who better to share medieval judging duties with Don Don than James Lipton of ‘Inside the Actors Studio’? It turns out that James is actually Sir James (and he’s awesome) … he did not deserve what he had to sit through in the boardroom.

by Aryeh S.

The Celebrity Apprentice – The mob jokes are old already

We knew they were coming, but even in the face of Victoria Gotti’s inclusion on the show, did you expect the sheer volume of mob jokes on this season of ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’? And in just the first two hours? I hope she gets fired soon just so we can see the end of the bad jokes!

by Aryeh S.

Get psyched for Donald Trump’s latest batch of “celebrities”

Another season of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ is right around the corner … are you ready to play another game of “How many of these people would I recognize on the street?” My score is five!

by Aryeh S.
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