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Frakkin’ Clack


Frakkin’ Clack – The final Cylon and more premiere talk

Thanks to everyone who attended last week’s online chat. Until I get a better interface for conducting these chats, I may not bother to do it again this week. If you’re definitely interested in attending one again, say so in the comments. For the most part, though, people just want to watch the show and […]

by Keith McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – The webisodes conclude, now on with the season!

Since the last Frakkin’ Clack, the final two Battlestar Galactica webisodes made their way (officially) online. In my experience, webisodes usually don’t reveal anything “big” or plot oriented that regular viewers of the televised show would necessarily miss. This time, though, we got a juicy nugget of info in episode nine that relates back to […]

by Keith McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – A sneak peek at BSG’s return; a call with Moore and Eick

Hey there, Frakkers. This week SciFi Wire has a sneak peek video of what looks like the opening scene of the first of the ten remaining episodes of Battlestar Galactica. It’s wonderfully shot and doesn’t really reveal anything other than Earth being scanned by both the humans and Cylons, neither finding signs of life. Of […]

by Keith McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – More Face of the Enemy; Amazon fraks up

The latest two episodes of Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy have been posted at as of yesterday. They still maintain the suspense of the “who dun it” of the series, while adding a clue or two as to who might be the culprit. In webisode #7, things sure seem to be pointing […]

by Keith McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – Jane Espenson speaks; the webisodes continue

Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy continues on its snail crawl of a pace. Number four is the most recently posted webisode, with number five due tomorrow at noon. Because these webisodes are so short, it’s tough to speculate on what’s going on, who’s the guilty party or what’s going to happen next. Each […]

by Keith McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – Newest BSG webisode; an deal; catch the frak up

The latest webisode of Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy was posted today. Also, did you know there’s a commentary version of each webisode? Just check the bottom of the page for player options. Jane Espenson provides commentary for each webisode that you can listen to as you watch. Jane calls it a “podcast” […]

by Keith McDuffee
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