CliqueClack TV
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TV characters I would like to ship to the “new world”

Happy Columbus Day everyone!  In honor of this pretend holiday the historic explorer, I thought it would be appropriate to take a minute to reflect.  That uncharted sail across the Atlantic ocean back in 1492 must have been frightening and perilous, with threats of scurvy, dehydration, starvation, and even mutiny at every turn. Not to […]

by Bob Degon

Heroes – I Am Become Death – Live-Blogging

We live-blogged tonight’s episode of Heroes, “I Am Become Death.” Click through this post to read the transcript. And join us next week for another live-blog session. It’s fun!

by Jane Boursaw

Heroes – I Am Become Death

(Season 3, Episode 4) In tonight’s live-blog of Heroes, I told the others I need a storyboard or Heroes 101 course to figure out what’s going on. I completely understand the writers’ goal of giving us something to ponder and talk about over the water cooler. On the other hand, there must be some midway point […]

by Jane Boursaw

Heroes – Live-Blogging Tonight!

I’ll be live-blogging Heroes tonight, so I hope you’ll stop by and join me for some villainous fun and frivolity. If you can get past the grammatical head-scratching of the episode’s title, “I Am Become Death,” it promises to be filled with all sorts of things to move the storyline forward (or perhaps just confuse […]

by Jane Boursaw

Tonight on the tube: Baseball, football and so many shows!

4:00p/3:00 Central ALDS Game 4 means that the White Sox aren’t done yet, but Tampa Bay hopes to finish them today. 8:00p/7:00 Central It would appear that CBS finally understands the concept of good comedy and they start their night off strong with The Big Bang Theory. In this geeky sitcom, the bizarre friendship between […]

by Jason Hughes

Ratings Clack – 9/28 to 10/04

Week two of the new season brought with it more premieres. Some of those did better than others. The biggest story of the week was the jackboot to the jewels that ABC took on Wednesday night with Pushing Daisies, Private Practice, and Dirty Sexy Money. Numbers were down for all three shows across the board, […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks: TV’s quotes of the week

We know you guys can’t watch every show (though if you’re like us at CliqueClack, you do your darndest to accomplish that feat). At any rate, in case you miss a show or two, we solemnly vow to bring you the best quotes right here. Our round-up this week: “I love this burger so much, […]

by Jane Boursaw
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