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Heroes – In Heroes land, it’s one punch and you’re done

(Season 3, Episode 13 – “Chapter 13: Dual”) The thing about tense situations in Heroes is that they kind of don’t matter. For instance, in tonight’s episode, nearly everyone’s life was in danger at some point in the episode. Since it’s Heroes though, even if they do die, it doesn’t necessarily matter, since no one […]

by Kona Gallagher

Heroes – Duality – Live-Blogging/Chat

Tonight is the last Heroes episode of the year, a fact that I know because NBC has been emphasizing it in every promo that they’ve run. Does this mean that it will be an extra-good episode? I would hope so, but that remains to be seen. After the unpleasantness with Arthur last week, Nathan and […]

by Kona Gallagher

Tonight on the Tube – Chuck, T:TSCC, Heroes say goodbye for awhile

Spotlight Show of the Night Heroes (NBC, 9:00 p.m./8:00 p.m. Central, Fall Finale) – Tonight, it all comes down to this in the final chapter (I believe) of “Villains.” Arthur Petrelli may be dead, but you know how well death sticks on this show. Nevertheless, this chapter of Heroes comes to a close tonight and […]

by Jason Hughes

Ratings Clack – CSI scores big. Biggest Loser NBC’s best hope?

(12/7 – 12/13) I work with a guy that has the barest of the bare bones cable packages. Thirteen channels. It amounts to the networks, Discovery, PBS, and shopping. It was a tough week of television for him. There were a lot of repeats. The CW only managed 3½ hours of original programming for the […]

by Brett Love

Casting Clack – ER, Ghost, Heroes

With its “Casting Clack” post, CliqueClack brings you a summary of the TV casting news released throughout the week, be it the addition of a series regular, a new recurring cast member, a guest star, or even someone making a cameo. Be warned, the casting news after the jump may contain slight spoilers about the […]

by Isabelle Carreau

The plucked peacock

This may seem like piling-on after yesterday’s brilliant Grinch/Zucker ditty by CliqueClack’s own Richard Keller, but what the hell happened to NBC? The once imposing network — home to such television icons as the Cartwrights and Johnny Carson — has plummeted into a chasm of mediocrity. A perennial ratings powerhouse during the ’80s and ’90s, […]

by Scott Tunstall

Shows like Heroes may give rise to new type of series – Guest Clack

Today’s guest clacker is Paul William Tenny, a frequent commenter here who runs a website called The Media Pundit, covering movies, TV, and other entertainment subjects. I’m no television historian, but as a keen observer of emerging trends, the thing that piques my interest these days isn’t web-to-television series like Sanctuary or Quarterlife, or the […]

by Keith McDuffee
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