CliqueClack TV
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jay leno


Do you suffer from renewal resentment?

It’s that sad, sad time of year again. The TV season is winding down, our favorite shows are preparing to say goodbye for the summer (or longer…  or forever) and news of official cancellations are beginning to trickle down. Life just got the axe from NBC, and I’m sure guillotines will drop in the coming […]

by Bob Degon

Hey NBC, don’t be a dick: bring back Life!

I hate NBC right now. Sure, they’re the home of some of my favorite shows: The Office, 30 Rock, Chuck, Medium, and of course, the Law & Order franchise, but I am about fed up with this network. My problem started, as my problems often do, with Jay Leno. Forcing him off of The Tonight […]

by Kona Gallagher

Norm McDonald is a cruel SOB

Sebastian’s back guest-clacking for us again…. It took about two months until somebody finally told Conan O’Brien what his role is in the NBC decision to keep Jay Leno and give him the 10 PM timeslot. And Norm McDonald did so on Conan’s own show. He tells Conan he got outfoxed by Leno again. To […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Why Craig Ferguson is the best talk show host there is – Guest Clack

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again…. If you follow my guest-clacks here over the last month, you’ve most likely already discovered that I’m a sucker for all things “real.” I love shows that feel right, things that fit, stories that could happen. I like to laugh because it makes me feel warm and cuddly inside. […]

by Debbie McDuffee

You’re a Sore Loser, Mr. Zucker

As you probably know by now, the bright bulbs over at NBC have decided to give up on programming the 10 PM slot with new scripted shows. Instead, they will be giving Jay Leno, a man that they tried to kick off of the network not too long ago, a five-night-a-week gig during that time […]

by Richard Keller

Are we witnessing the death of network television?

Alright, alright, it’s probably way too early for this post, and it’s most likely an overstatement, but I can’t help thinking that network TV as we know it is in critical condition. With the latest news that NBC is giving up on the ten o’clock hour giving Jay Leno a nightly show at 10 PM, […]

by Bob Degon

Quotation Marks – Week of October 10, 2008

Everyone had something to say this week, from Michael Scott to Amy Poehler to Tom Bergeron, who has a sense of humor about his Emmy hosting gig: “That’s why I host, because there are very few hosting injuries … unless you count the Emmys.” – Tom Bergeron, Dancing With the Stars “In describing her beautiful home, […]

by Jane Boursaw
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