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mad men


Halloween treats for some deserving characters

As Halloween quickly approaches I’ve been thinking about trick-or-treating … and how much I hate it. Sorry, but I am a total scrooge when it comes to Halloween. Parents spend 364 days of the year telling their children not to take candy from strangers, then come October 31st, it all flies out the window! I […]

by Bob Degon

Mad Men – Meditations In An Emergency

(Season 2, Episode 13 – Season Finale) “Congratulations?” – Francine, about Betty’s pregnancy Wow, they really packed everything into this season finale, eh? You can’t say that fans were cheated out of drama. Not only do they increase the cliffhanger tension (I bet fans are already craving for Season 3, Episode 1), but they also […]

by Bob Sassone

Things that didn’t suck this week: Nicole Richie, Wil Wheaton, Jon Hamm and more

I’m sure it will come as no surprise that since I write about TV, I end up seeing a lot of it. Let’s face it, there’s a good amount of crap on the tube and I often find myself watching it and feeling myself getting dumber but unable to turn away. With that said, there’s […]

by Kona Gallagher

Tonight on the tube: Baseball continues, Mad Men ends season

5:00p/4:00 Central The CW starts off their long farmed out Sunday night with a 4Real repeat featuring Casey Affleck. That’s followed by a new 4Real features Mos Def visiting the City of God outside Rio de Janeiro. 6:00p/5:00 Central Stick with The CW for a repeat performance of the series premiere of Valentine. See, apparently […]

by Jason Hughes

Saturday Night Live – Jon Hamm; Coldplay

(Season 34, Episode 6) Going into this episode I was a little skeptical. I wasn’t sure how Jon Hamm would be in a comedic setting. Mad Men may have some laughs in it, but Don Draper is in no way a funny character. Add to that concern the fact that Amy Poehler was absent from […]

by Bob Degon

Mad Men season finale giveaway

I can’t believe another season of Mad Men is already ending. I haven’t even had a chance to catch up with season one! Maybe you’re in the same boat as I am and could use a season one DVD set to get you through the wait for season three? Well, you could be in luck. […]

by Keith McDuffee

Mad Men – The Mountain King

(Season 2, Episode 12) “The only thing that’s keeping you from being happy is the belief that you’re alone.” – Anna, to Don Finally, a question is answered that I’ve had since we found out Don is Dick: what about the real Don’s family? Certainly they would be wondering where their Don was after “Dick […]

by Bob Sassone
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