CliqueClack TV
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Ratings Clack – The real power of CBS crimetime

We’ve talked about it before, but it’s worth bringing up again as we kick off the summer viewing season. The various CBS crime shows don’t get all the sexy press coverage that things like Grey’s Anatomy, Lost, or Heroes do, but they still manage to compete very well in new episodes. Where they really shine […]

by Brett Love

Medium – Dude. You can totally rob a bank: here’s how

I may have started watching television crime dramas a little late (I didn’t watch my first episode of Law & Order until 2001-ish), but I have made up for that belated start in sheer quantity. As someone who watches a lot of TV about cops and lawyers, I’m obviously pretty close to being a cop […]

by Kona Gallagher

Medium – Two hours and a “To Be Continued?” Really?

I love Medium, but it is working my last nerve. It is an hour-long drama, not a miniseries, so what’s with all of the “To Be Continued” episodes and the 2-hour extravaganza? The first TBC was completely pointless, and while the second one was slightly better, there’s still no reason to have three of them […]

by Kona Gallagher

Medium – of misguided moral elitists and vengeful ghosts

And that, my friends, is precisely why I write about TV, and not for TV. Never in a million years would I have come up with such a solution for a very tricky situation. Well okay, maybe I would have, because a million years is a long time. Anyway, I knew that there was no […]

by Cate Cropp

Please don’t screw this up, Medium!

Seriously, two two-parters in a row? What gives? As Kona mentioned last week, the first one was really unnecessary. It wasn’t even really a continuation. Now we get another “to be continued…”, which granted, seems a little more interesting, and yet, I’m fearful that this is going to bomb. While this episode was a vast […]

by Cate Cropp

Medium – Allison as a human lie detector seems awfully familiar…

Sometimes I wonder if there is ever anything new on TV anymore. As I was watching Allison realize that that game show buzzer going off in her head was telling her people were lying, I knew that I had seen something very similar not all that long ago, but couldn’t for the life of me […]

by Cate Cropp

Medium – Agent Cooper is back, and he means business

No, not Dale Cooper, although I admit that would be pretty awesome. I mean Agent Edward Cooper, or rather his ghost, brilliantly played by Kurtwood Smith. Even though to me he will always be Red Forman from That 70’s Show, there’s no denying that Kurtwood Smith makes creepy look easy. We knew it couldn’t be […]

by Cate Cropp
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