CliqueClack TV
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Shield, The


The Shield – Petty Cash

(Season 7, Episode 11) Here we are, down to the final few episodes of the series. (The series! Crap!) This was the final episode sent out on screener disc to us press folks, while a bunch of lucky bastards got to head out to private screenings of the final two. If only I lived in […]

by Keith McDuffee

Big fictional douchebags on TV today

Everyone’s got their own ideas of who’s sexy, who’s ugly, who’s funny and who’s scary on television. One thing that most people can agree on is what makes someone a complete douchebag. Jay already gave a good list of some real TV personalities who deserve a punch in the face. I don’t think I need […]

by Keith McDuffee

CliqueClack’s Halloween tricks … and treats

I guess it all depends on how you look at them. Our Halloween-themed posts, that is. Are they tricks, designed to possibly fool you, like Jane’s Halloween headlines I’d like to see, or Jackie’s When good characters go vampire. What do you think — did House finally really get murdered? Did the cast of The […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Scary as hell TV characters, cheap Halloween costumes

As you know, another Halloween is just about here. If you’re planning on heading out to do some ‘treating of your own or maybe heading out to a costume party, if you haven’t figured out what you’re going to dress as yet, you might be stuck with a sack on your head, my friend. Yeah, […]

by Keith McDuffee

The Shield – Moving Day

(Season 7, Episode 9) I’ve got a beef with FX. I went out of my way last week to finally get FX in HD. I sit down tonight to watch The Shield tonight (I already caught the episode DVD weeks ago, but that’s beside the point) and … it’s not in HD! What the hell?! […]

by Keith McDuffee
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